STEP 8. Coaching Business Growth: High-Converting OPT-INS to Build Your EMAIL LIST

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Your email list is your goldmine. Listen and learn 5 lead magnet ideas and landing page guidelines to optimize your conversions.

Highlights from this Episode of THE COACHING BUSINESS GROWTH ROADMAP Limited Series Podcast:

00:00:02 - Introduction & Building Your Email List with Opt-ins
00:02:31 - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Business
00:05:20 - Top 5 Lead Magnet Ideas
00:14:08 - Landing Page Guidelines for Higher Conversions
00:16:04 - Recap of Lead Magnet Strategies
00:17:08 - Crafting Compelling Headlines for Opt-ins
00:20:17 - Action Steps & Conclusion

Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your business, this episode has valuable insights for you.



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